16.9 Roads and Services
Roads and Services
The design standards required for carriageways, gradients, footpaths, cycle lanes, junctions, road drainage, cul-de-sacs, sight lines, boundary walls, vehicle access, service roads, bus lay-bys, drainage and other underground services, vary according to the scale, intensity, layout, design and location of proposed developments and will adhere to the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS).
Dublin City Council requires that roads and services must be designed and built to taking-in-charge standards. (see Appendices 5 and 18)
All services must be provided underground in the interests of amenity except where it is clearly shown by a statutory undertaker that underground location is of an impractical nature. This provision shall not apply to temporary cabling necessary for the servicing of development site workshops or offices.
Pipes, cables, etc. under roads shall be grouped together as far as possible for easier access and less disruption, to avoid damage from tree roots and to facilitate tree planting.