16.31 Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
The provision of automatic teller machines (ATMs) will be regulated, having regard to the following:
- The protection of the character of the building or shopfront in which the ATM is installed, in particular where the building is a protected structure or in a Conservation Area or Architectural Conservation Area (ACA)
- The minimisation of disturbance to adjoining premises through queuing
- In general, no more than one ATM should be placed in a shopfront so as to avoid the creation of a dead frontage
- The control of the amount of litter generated by these machines; paper receipts will not be acceptable on principal shopping streets, at protected structures, and in Conservation Areas
- The need for signs or logos to be discreetly incorporated into the overall design
- The avoidance of a traffic hazard
- The design and location must be such that they are accessible to all, having regard to the universal design guidelines as set out by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) in their publication ‘Building for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach, Facilities in Buildings, Publication No 6’. www.universaldesign.ie (CEUD was established by the National Disability Authority under the Disability Act 2005).
Dublin City Council will encourage the provision of ATMs in retail stores in the interests of public safety and protecting building character.