2.2.7 Core Strategy and SEA / AA
The content of this core strategy has been informed by Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA), undertaken as parallel processes in tandem with each stage of the development plan, thereby ensuring full integration and consideration of environmental issues throughout the planmaking process. This represents a further iteration of environmental assessments at development plan level, given that the higher-level RPGs have also been subject to separate SEA and AA.
The EU Floods Directive (FD) 2007/60/ EC on the ‘Assessment and Management of Flood Risks’ requires member states to assess and manage flood risks. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is the lead agency in implementing this process. The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) and OPW prepared ‘The Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2009)’ in order to integrate the assessment and management of flood risk into the planning process.
Planning Authorities are required to introduce flood risk assessment as an integral and leading element of their development planning functions. The Flood Risk Assessment is aligned with the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). All future development of the city will be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the Habitats, Birds, Water Framework, Floods, SEA and EIA Directives.