15.1 Development Principles for Strategic Development and Regeneration Areas
The city contains a number of strategic development and regeneration areas (SDRAs) capable of delivering significant quanta of homes and employment for the city, either through the development of greenfield sites or through the regeneration of the existing built city.
Many, though not all, of these sites are zoned Z14 within the development plan, where the overall focus is To seek the social, economic and physical development and/or rejuvenation of an area with mixed use, of which residential and ‘Z6’ (enterprise and employment use) would be the predominant use. The active land management approach as referred to in the core strategy and paragraph 6.5.4 will be pursued in the development of the SDRAs set out below.
Guiding principles for these (18) areas (see list at Section 14.8.13) are set out below. In some cases, further detailed objectives can be found in adopted local area plans and strategic development zone plans.
Structures for community/stakeholder consultation within the SDRAs will follow the procedures set out in Chapter 13 (monitoring, implementation and development management) of the plan.