SDRA 14 Croke Villas and Environs

Croke Villas is comprised of four 5-storey local authority flat blocks which are earmarked for re-development. This estate, although modest in size, is strategically located just west of Ballybough Road and adjacent to Croke Park, one of the largest public event spaces in the city. Given its proximity to this national landmark the re-development opportunity exists to provide a city connection to Croke Park, while simultaneously improving the living standards for Dublin city residents.

Guiding principles for this site incorporate the objective to enhance the setting and entrance to Croke Park stadium: ­

  • Promote the provision of new highquality residential development in conjunction with exploiting the tourism, commercial and recreational uses associated with Croke Park ­
  • Enhance the access to Sackville Avenue from Ballybough Road and re-develop Sackville Avenue as a high-quality public domain space, overlooked and flanked by new residential units and/or recreational and office use ­
  • Refurbish and upgrade properties on to Ballybough Road (albeit allowing for the demolition of No. 6 Ballybough for improved access as above), and provide for improved landscaping to the front ­
  • Explore potential to extend Sackville Gardens, providing improved passive surveillance of the canal and the proposed new green cycle/pedestrian route ­
  • Explore potential to improve connections with the canal.