Infill Development

Infill Development

The particular character of the city and its concentration of historic buildings means that most re-development opportunities are for ‘infill development’ i.e. gap sites within existing areas of established urban form. It is particularly important that proposed development respects and enhances its context and is well integrated with its surroundings, ensuring a more coherent cityscape.

As such Dublin City Council will seek: ­

  • To ensure that infill development respects and complements the prevailing scale, architectural quality and the degree of uniformity in the surrounding townscape ­
  • In areas of varied cityscape of significant quality, infill development will demonstrate a positive response to context, including characteristic building plot widths, architectural form and the materials and detailing of existing buildings, where these contribute positively to the character and appearance of the area ­
  • Within terraces or groups of buildings of unified design and significant quality, infill development will replicate and positively interpret the predominant design and architectural features of the group as a whole
  • In areas of low quality, varied townscape, infill development will have sufficient independence of form and design to create new compositions and points of interest and have regard to the form and materials of adjoining buildings, where these make a positive contribution to the area.