16.7.1 Overview
Dublin City Council acknowledges the intrinsic quality of Dublin as a low-rise city and it is policy that it should predominantly remain so. There is a recognised need to protect conservation areas and the architectural character of existing buildings, streets and spaces of artistic, civic or historic importance. In particular, any new proposal must be sensitive to the historic city centre, the river Liffey and quays, Trinity College, Dublin Castle, the historic squares and the canals.
It is important to protect and enhance the skyline of the inner city and to ensure that any proposals for high buildings make a positive contribution to the urban character of the city, and create opportunities for place-making and identity.
A co-ordinated approach shall be taken to the potential positioning of higher building forms across the city to create clusters, where appropriate, and prevent visual clutter or negative disruption of the city skyline.
When developing landmark high buildings, the planning authority will encourage architectural design competitions and the exploration of different architectural concepts for sites on which higher buildings are proposed.
The Irish Aviation Authority must be notified in all cases where a proposed development exceeds 45m in height.