16.22 Industry, Warehousing and Business Park Development
Industry, Warehousing and Business Park Development
Proposals for the development or extension of industrial, warehousing and business park developments should have regard to the following criteria:
- A high standard of design, finish, layout and landscaping will be required for industrial, warehousing and business park development
- Where proposals for these type of developments would generate a large volume of HGV traffic, they shall not be located where they would encourage movement of such traffic through residential areas (see also Appendix 4)
- It is essential that each industrial/ warehousing unit be provided with adequate space for the loading and unloading of goods (including fuels) in areas clear of the public road, and preferably behind the building line
- In the case of development for two or more industrial/warehousing buildings, a uniform design for boundary fences, roof profiles and building lines is essential
- Industrial, warehousing and business park developments should present a pleasant aspect, helped by tree planting, the careful design of signage, screening of open storage areas, and unobtrusive loading and parking space; offices ancillary to factories, shops, etc., will be permitted provided the size is appropriate to the scale of the main use. In speculative developments, a variety of unit size shall be provided to cater for the differing needs of potential occupants
- In the case of proposed developments, which are of a nature and extent that they would impact on the environment and attract significant volumes of vehicular traffic to the development site, Dublin City Council will require the application to be accompanied by a Transport Assessment (TA); Appendix 4 gives further guidance on the need for and content of a TA and applicants are advised to undertake pre-planning consultations with Dublin City Council regarding the requirement for a TA
- In the case of proposed developments (or groups of developments located in close proximity to one another) which would attract significant volumes of traffic, the preparation and submission of a Travel Plan (TP) may be required as part of the application; Appendix 5 gives guidance on the type and scale of developments that will require the submission of a TP and the required form and content of these documents
- Although the overall percentage share of manufacturing employment is predicted to decline over time, it will be the aim of Dublin City Council to protect industrially zoned lands (Objective Z7)
- from competing and incompatible landuses, in order to facilitate manufacturing industry on Z7 lands.