16.24.3 Signs of Shopfronts and Other Business Premises
16.24.3 Signs of Shopfronts and Other Business Premises
- The signage relating to any commercial ground floor use should be contained within the fascia board of the shopfront. The lettering employed should be either on the fascia, or consist of individually mounted solid letters mounted on the fascia. The size of the lettering used should be in proportion to the depth of the fascia board
- Signage internal to the premises, including interior suspended advertising panels, which obscure views into the shop or business and create dead frontage onto the street shall not normally be permitted
- Corporate signs will only be permitted where they are compatible with the character of the building, its materials and colour scheme and those of adjoining buildings
- Advertisements and signs relating to uses above ground floor level should generally be provided at the entrance to the upper floors, in a form and design which does not detract from or impinge upon the integrity of the ground floor shopfronts, or other elevational features of the building
- Shopfronts sponsored by commercial brands will generally not be permitted
- Proposals for shopfront signage shall have regard to the contents of the Retail Design Manual, 2012, Dublin City Council’s Shopfront Design Guide, 2001 and the O’Connell Street Area Shopfront Design Guidelines, 2003, where appropriate. www.dublincity.ie
- All proposals for shopfronts shall have regard to the guidelines for illuminated signs as set out in the Appendices in this plan.
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