16.3.1 Hard Landscaping
Hard Landscaping
Hard landscaping, including paving and street furniture, is an important element in defining the character of the spaces between buildings and public open spaces. Hard landscaping works can help to provide visual links, define and enclose space, and delineate public from private space. They can provide security to private areas, playspace for children, and also areas for sitting and relaxing. Hard landscaping can also help distinguish between areas for different transport modes.
Materials: Materials must be appropriate, durable and of a good quality. Careful consideration must be given to the design of hard-surfaced areas including streets, squares, open spaces, paved areas, footpaths and driveways. The texture and colour of materials must be sympathetic to the locality and be an integral part of the design.
Surface water management: Applications for substantial hard-surfaced areas must demonstrate methods of controlling and limiting surface water run-off consistent with sustainable development. These methods include use of permeable paving/surfaces, bio-retention areas, and swales (which should be maintainable), such that rainfall is not directed immediately to surface water drains. These methods can help reduce flooding and help mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Boundaries and street furniture: Walls, fences, metal railings and gates used to define spaces and their usage all impact on the visual character of the development. These should be selected so as to be an integrated part of overall design. Street furniture should be sited such that it does not provide an obstacle for people with disabilities.
Reinstatement: Following underground or surface works, it is an objective of Dublin City Council to ensure the reinstatement of materials or the replacement with materials of similar style and quality.