16.3.4 Public Open Space – All Development
Public Open Space – All Development
(See also Chapters 10 and 14)
In order to progress the city’s green infrastructure network, improve biodiversity, and expand the choice of public spaces available, the provision of meaningful public open space is required in development proposals on all zoned lands.
There is a 10% requirement specifically for all residential schemes as set out in Section 16.10.1. This requirement also relates to other zonings such as Z6 and Z10. In the case of developments on Z12 zoned lands, the requirement will be 20% accessible open space, and for Z15 zoned lands the requirement will be 25% accessible open space and/or provision of community facilities.
Depending on the location and open space context, the space provided could contribute towards the city’s green network, provide a local park, provide play space or playgrounds, create new civic space/plaza, or improve the amenity of a streetscape. Green spaces can also help with surface water management through integration with sustainable urban drainage systems. Soft landscaping will be preferred to hard landscaping which will be given consideration only in schemes where soft landscaping would not be viable or appropriate.
Where adjacent to canals or rivers, proposals must take into account the functions of a riparian corridor and possible flood plain.
Financial contribution in lieu:
In the event that the site is considered by the planning authority to be too small or inappropriate (because of site shape or general layout) to fulfil useful purpose in this regard, then a financial contribution towards provision of a new park in the area, improvements to an existing park and/or enhancement of amenities shall be required (having regard to the City’s Parks Strategy).
Indoor recreational facilities:
Where there is evidence that sufficient public open space already exists in the locality, consideration will be given to the provision of indoor recreational facilities with public access for residents and workers in the vicinity, and any provision of such facilities must have regard to the objectives of the ‘Dublin City Sport and Active Recreation Strategy 2009 – 2016’ or any subsequent updated strategy.