14.8.2 Residential Neighbourhoods (Conservation Areas) – Zone Z2
Land-Use Zoning Objective Z2:
To protect and/or improve the amenities of residential conservation areas.
Residential conservation areas have extensive groupings of buildings and associated open spaces with an attractive quality of architectural design and scale. The overall quality of the area in design and layout terms is such that it requires special care in dealing with development proposals which affect structures in such areas, both protected and non-protected. The general objective for such areas is to protect them from unsuitable new developments or works that would have a negative impact on the amenity or architectural quality of the area. The policy chapters, especially Chapters 11 – Built Heritage and Culture, and 16 – Development Standards, detailing the policies and objectives for residential conservation areas and standards respectively, should be consulted. Volume 4 of this plan contains the record of protected structures.
The principal land-use in residential conservation areas is housing but can include a limited range of other uses. In considering other uses, the guiding principle is to enhance the architectural quality of the streetscape and the area, and to protect the residential character of the area.
Proposals for live/work units at an appropriate scale with discreet signage will be considered on the basis that the proposal would not detract from, or alter the physical character and fabric of the streetscape.