14.8.4 District Centres – Zone Z4

Land-Use Zoning Objective Z4:

To provide for and improve mixed-services facilities.

District centres, which include urban villages, provide a far higher level of services than neighbourhood centres. They have outlets of greater size selling goods or providing services of a higher order, and their catchment area extends spatially to a far greater area than that of neighbourhood centres (see Chapter 7 and Appendix 3 for details of policies, standards and the retail strategy). As the top tier of the urban centres outside the city centre, key district centres have been identified which will provide a comprehensive range of commercial and community services. These centres often attract large volumes of traffic and should, therefore, be well served by public transport. 

To maintain their role as district centres, new development should enhance their attractiveness and safety for pedestrians and a diversity of uses should be promoted to maintain their vitality throughout the day and evening. In this regard, opportunity should be taken to use the levels above ground level for additional commercial/retail/ services or residential use with appropriate social facilities. Higher densities will be permitted in district centres, particularly where they are well served by public transport. The district centre can provide a focal point for the delivery of integrated services and the designated key district centres have, or will have in the future, the capacity to deliver on a range of requirements, the most important of which are: ­

  • An increased density of development ­
  • A viable retail and commercial core ­
  • A comprehensive range of high-quality community and social services ­
  • A distinctive spatial identity with a highquality physical environment

A symbol and reference number identifies the designated key district centres on the Dublin City Development Plan 2016 – 2022 maps, see Map K. General principles with regard to the overall development in these identified key district centres are set out below. Proposals for development within these areas should be in accordance with these principles in addition to complying with the land-use zoning.

14.8.4 table key distinct centres

Within these identified key district centres, the following general development principles shall apply: Population: Establish significant residential population bases with diversity in unit types and tenures capable of establishing long-term integrated communities. ­

  • Density: Ensure the establishment of high-density developments capable of sustaining quality public transport systems and supporting local services and activities. Account should be taken in any such development of any distinct or valuable architectural or historical features that influence the urban form, character and scale of the existing area. ­
  • Transport: Ensure provision is made for quality public transport systems. Provide improved access to these systems and incorporate travel plans, which prioritise the primacy of pedestrian and cyclist movement and address the issue of parking facilities and parking overflow. ­
  • Commercial/Retail: The creation of a vibrant retail and commercial core with animated streetscapes.
  • Community and Social Services: The centres will be encouraged to become the focal point for the integrated delivery of community and social services. ­
  • Employment: Encourage the provision of mixed-use developments incorporating retail, office, residential and live-work units, and the creation of small startup units. (The floor area limitations in respect of offices given in the land-use zoning objective Z4 shall not apply in the case of identified key district centres, and applications involving office development in these areas shall be assessed on their merits, taking account of the overall objective to provide for a mixed-use environment.) ­ Built Environment: The creation of highquality, mixed-use urban districts with a distinctive spatial identity and coherent urban structure of interconnected streets and child-friendly public spaces and urban parks. Development should have regard to the existing urban form, scale and character and be consistent with the built heritage of the area. ­
  • Capacity for development: Encourage the development/re-development of under-utilised sites.

In the case of Z14 lands that are identified as KDCs, all uses identified as permissible uses and open for consideration uses on Z4 lands will be considered.

** These Key Districts Centres form part of proposed Gateways to the City as identified in Section 4.5.2

1 Delicatessen is not included in the definition of a shop in the regulations. It is a distinct use. The use should be permissible subject to safeguards such as over-proliferation of such uses in a shopping street. A definition has been included – selling mainly gourmet cold food (no fried foods)

14.8.4 table Z4