16.10.11 Mixed-Use Development
Mixed-Use Development
To create a vibrant city, it is important that development accommodates a mix of uses. In considering proposals for mixed-use developments, the protection of amenity and the reduction in potential conflict between the various uses will be of paramount importance. Factors such as levels of noise and air pollution and security will be considered. Where these factors would affect amenities, all proposals must include measures to reduce noise levels between the different uses to ambient noise levels and enhance security.
Acceptable floor-to-ceiling heights may be specified by the planning authority depending on location and to allow for internal ducting. In all development, measures should be incorporated to control the extraction of fumes and odours.
In new development, internal ducting or flues shall be incorporated so that ground floor units have the potential for fumes to be extracted to and discharged at roof level. This will facilitate current and potential future ground floor uses such as restaurants or dry cleaners.
In order to minimise noise disturbance, sound insulation shall be incorporated between individual units and to the adjoining building in order to reduce the transmission of impact and airborne noise between units and/or premises and to or from the external environment. The scheme of sound/ acoustic insulation will be submitted with the planning application for development.