16.10.20 Development on Archaeological Sites and in Zones of Archaeological Interest
Development on Archaeological Sites and in Zones of Archaeological Interest
In order that the City Council’s policy on archaeology is implemented, the following will apply:
- The applicant shall employ a qualified archaeologist to carry out and report on any necessary site investigation works
- New basement development at medieval sites shall be omitted where it is deemed that undue damage to archaeological deposits will occur
- The impact and merits/demerits of foundation type (piled, raft, etc.) shall be archaeologically assessed
- When planning permission for development involving sub-surface excavation is granted, the applicant’s attention will be drawn to the legal obligation to report the discovery of archaeological finds to the National Museum of Ireland
- Where a site is deemed to require archaeological investigation, all in situ remains shall be recorded according to best practice irrespective of date and evaluated for preservation in situ
- Ensure the assessment of industrial features during archaeological investigations
- Where preservation in situ is not feasible/ appropriate, sites of archaeological interest shall be subject to archaeological excavation and recording according to best practice, in advance of redevelopment
- The results of all archaeological excavations shall be published in full in a reasonable time following archaeological site completion
- The excavation archive shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the DEHLG Guidelines to the Dublin City Archaeological Archive following site completion.