16.10.19 Non-Residential and Commuter Off-Street Parking in the Curtilage of Protected Structures and in Conservation Areas
Non-Residential and Commuter Off-Street Parking in the Curtilage of Protected Structures and in Conservation Areas
In parts of the city centre, the large scale provision of commercial and commuter off-street car parking in the curtilage of protected structures and conservation areas significantly detracts from the special interest and visual character of protected structures and sensitive areas. In many cases, planning permission has not been granted for such off-street parking or the associated hard surfacing of the former rear garden area. In assessing development schemes where off-street parking is proposed, or where such parking exists and is proposed to be retained as part of the overall scheme, its impact on the integrity, setting, character and amenities of the protected structure and/or conservation area will be critically assessed. In all cases, the objective to eliminate unauthorised and excessive off-street car parking will be sought. This objective is consistent with the policies of Dublin City Council to protect the special interest and character of protected structures and conservation areas.